Zoomies,Leaps and bounds of the Jack Russell

Life with Rosie now she is 4mths. Rosie comes on leaps and bounds, literally. She leaps from chair too sofa too zoom and bounce around the house. She gets a long walk every afternoon too our local beach. I do not encourage her to stop and dig. I keep her walking non stop for 3hours. She wears a muzzle to stop her eating stones and anything else she can see. This maybe an avoidance strategy, I can't afford to put her health at risk, if it means she must wear one each time she goes outside for a walk, then so be it. I tried numerous ways to stop this habit with no success. Once she is walking she forgets she has it on and really enjoys her day out. I play with her, her favourite game, football. She plays goalie, she darts back and forth like one. She still use's her mouth to grab the ball, I am teaching her to nose it towards me. This she is doing slowly. She is kept busy with a daily routine of exercising, walks and meals. She is often outside doing her business than indoors ...