Rosie's days and nights at 15wks
How Rosie's days and nights are going at 15wks.
Morning...begins with hugs, which I feel may stop sometime soon.
I noticed when she gets her hugs especially in mornings she is trying to suckle on my clothes.
This tells me she still seeks comfort from her mother.
This is cruel to be kind stage coming up.
Having to stop morning cuddles until she no longer seeks comfort of her mother.
Once her suckling begins to leave her , Rosie shall then no longer need nor seek her mother.
I have to do this for Rosie.
After her hug she gets offered her breakfast if she is offered before a hug she doesn't show any interest in eating.
This is another reason her hugs shall stop in morning for a short while.
I recognized she was doing this on a daily basis , therefore it brought it to my attention.
Those who allow their puppy in bed with you, please think what effects it has on your pet.
Once I have made sure Rosie knows she shall not find her mother on me then I try again to offer her food.
She still picks at it with little interest.
I leave it out for 30mins then remove it.
Due to training her, if food were left out at all times, then she would not recognize a treat for being good.
Next it is battle of wits..she tries to win now at staying to her training pad to do business in mornings.
This is another example of her changes in her life as she grows away from training pads.
Rosie is happy to go outside and do business in her own garden,...only if there are no distractions around her at the time.
On bucket lifting days she shall hold her business until all distractions of the noise from morning outdoors
,with children going too school too, cars going too work, everyday noises.
Rosie is happy to try to come back indoors to do her business on her training pads if I so allowed.
Yes, it would be an easier option for me, instead of the battle of wits.
I having to not take my eyes from her for one second until she has done her deed outside.
She gives me a run for my money, I do not get time to sit with a cup of tea or have breakfast myself.
I spend a good 2hrs working on this progress of getting her outdoors to finish her business.
In between her needs I can then tend to my own.
Afternoon and evening are pretty much the same.
In between walks and training.
Rosie is happy to hold her business in until she comes back to her own garden even if I walk 3hrs.
It makes no difference at this stage in her life.
This shall change over time when she gains more confidence being outdoors with all new to her.
During nights, she dreams and barks in her sleep which I go and reassure her she is in her safe place.
Puppies can be demanding, I do not allow her to rule my daily life.
I let her fit into my life not me into hers.
If I were to stand outdoors with her for 3hrs for her to finish her business this only teaches her this is tge way it is done.
Unfortunately it is best not to do this.
I take Rosie outdoors often during her day.
I wait 5mins max if she sits down with no interest indoors she comes.
I teach business on demand when I know she is needing to go.
This teaches her when she goes out
there is no time to hang around.
This is very demanding on myself but shall pay off in the end.
It may take a few months or less.
All depends on how Rosie learns.
My past experience of doing this ,the results are superb especially if you wish to go out for the day, leaving your pet at home or taking them around busy shopping, you know they shall not do business at these times.
Also in very bad weather, you never need to wait around in the cold wet dark dreary days in Scotland.
I am very happy at the way Rosie is progressing in her Journey through her ever changing life as she grows from week to week.
I offer her a distraction to keep her occupied when she is left on her own.
This is often at present for now 15min sessions.
Building the time lapse longer as she accepts these.
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