Stop puppy eating grass

Teaching Rosie my Jack Russell puppy not to eat grass when she goes outdoors. 
Is this possible you may ask.
Well I am hoping so, I shall try my best for if a blade of grass belongs lodged in her throat she would need an operation to remove it, an expensive playtime. 
So it is best to get your puppy use to the words leave it.
I am doing this with many items inside my home which I find dangerous to her.
Although all put out of harms way, it is still best she knows her boundaries. 
Today I began with filling a small amount of grass into a poo bag.
I bring the grass indoors and sprinkle it on my floor.
Keeping a very close eye on her.
You need quick reactions with a Puppy especially a Jack Russell. 
I lay some grass down in front of her, when she make a move towards it with her mouth. 
I say leave it putting my hand flat out close to her nose.
This stops her in her track.
Once she backs away I give her a tasty treat.
This has to be done every day until you go outside and your puppy no longer has required a taste for grasd.
Each puppy is different, you must have patience to see this through. 
It shall be worth it.
It also shall stop your puppy from eating foreign objects inside your home or when outdoors or if a child offers your pet something to eat.
It is up to us to be responsible for our pets behaviour no one else.


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